Who? - Anyone. Fast or slow. Expert or novice. Male or female.
What? - Bicycles races. Individual prizes for each race, overall prize for series.
When? - Dates above. Times TBD. Some will start at 2pm, others at 7pm.
Where? - Exact locations TBD. Hill climb will be a group ride to several diff hills around SW Boulevard. Roanoke crit at Roanoke Park unless we decide to do it at Kemper. Urban Cross in the West Bottoms, around the haunted houses. Alleycat will start at a bar in Midtown somewhere.
Why? - Because it's winter and you gettin' fat and soft as hell.
How? - Bicycles.
Wear helmets. Bring blinkies and locks. Dress warm.
Bring bar money. Don't be scared.